Salusfin delivery to Metropolia

Salusfin delivered a smart IoT-based ventilation machine controls to Metropolia University of Applied Sciences in Helsinki.
Data used for controlling consists of electricity spot price and sensor values (temperature, humidity and CO2).
Delivery is part of Salusfin Buildings-made-Smarter concept.

Salusfin selected to Kasvupolku

The Growth Path of Energy Innovation (Energiainnovaatioiden Kasvupolku) chooses 15 innovative growth companies. A total of 39 companies applied for the growth path.

The jury evaluated the applicant companies based on selection criteria. The criteria were: an innovative business idea, market potential, clear customer need, team and expertise, and a desire for growth.

Link (in finnish)

Salusfin partnership in Denmark

Salusfin has made a licensing agreement with Danish partner Danbes ApS, a Information Technology Company.

Agreement covers software licensing and hosting services.

Agreement was signed on 8th of January 2019.

YLE News: Merihaka mySMARTLife project

YLE News coverage about mySMARTLife project In Merihaka, Helsinki. Salusfin solution with smart thermostats was installed to enable dynamic heating controls, energy savings and added living comfort.

Residents can adjust temperatures according to their daily or weekly schedules, e. g. drop temperature during night time or vacation.

The installations enable the local utility company Helen, also partner in mySMARTLife, to start the heat demand response pilot in Merihaka.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731297.

Complete YLE article here:


Renovation leap

Salusfin is part of Renovation leap consortium.

Renovation leap is a research program that activates ambitious apartment renovations. Quality criteria are defined in target buildings and how new technical solutions and sourcing processes can enhance the renovations and help meet the objectives. Pilot buildings are in Helsinki and Lahti. Consortium has several members, VTT, group of renovation companies and it is funded by Helsinki-Uusimaa regional council , City of Helsinki, Smart &Clean foundation and ARA.


Helen ltd and Salusfin agreement

Helen Ltd (Helsinki Energy) and Salusfin have signed an agreement on co-operation on Demand-response service related to district heating.
Agreement is related to Horizon 2020 project mySMARTLife.
Salusfin contribution contains integration, smart heating controls and reporting capabilities.

Improved living comfort with smart heating control in Merihaka (Helsinki)

In Merihaka, Helsinki, a housing association decided to install smart heating controls to all apartments. Smart thermostats enable dynamic heating controls, energy savings and added living comfort. Residents can adjust temperatures according to their daily or weekly schedules, e. g. drop temperature during night time or vacation. The thermostats and the wireless solution are provided by mySMARTLife partner Salusfin Ltd.
A first set of thermostats has already been installed in 20 apartments. Info evenings were organised before the installations and additionally residents have been interviewed about issues relating to heating comfort.
The installations enable the local utility company Helen, also partner in mySMARTLife, to start the heat demand response pilot in Merihaka.

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