YLE News: Merihaka mySMARTLife project

YLE News coverage about mySMARTLife project In Merihaka, Helsinki. Salusfin solution with smart thermostats was installed to enable dynamic heating controls, energy savings and added living comfort.

Residents can adjust temperatures according to their daily or weekly schedules, e. g. drop temperature during night time or vacation.

The installations enable the local utility company Helen, also partner in mySMARTLife, to start the heat demand response pilot in Merihaka.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731297.

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Renovation leap

Salusfin is part of Renovation leap consortium.

Renovation leap is a research program that activates ambitious apartment renovations. Quality criteria are defined in target buildings and how new technical solutions and sourcing processes can enhance the renovations and help meet the objectives. Pilot buildings are in Helsinki and Lahti. Consortium has several members, VTT, group of renovation companies and it is funded by Helsinki-Uusimaa regional council , City of Helsinki, Smart &Clean foundation and ARA.


Helsinki’s pioneer in intelligent energy solutions-Salusfin’s solution included in the project

Cities globally produce 70% of all greenhouse gas emissions. Helsinki is taking great steps with its people and businesses to make the city carbon neutral.

This goal is supported by the mySMARTLife project, which includes an experiment with autonomous electric bus and encourages and provides advice to housing associations in Merihaka to become more energy efficient.

The project is implemented by City of Helsinki, Helen Oy, Forum Virium Helsinki Oy, Metropolia Polytechnic, VTT Technical Research Center and Fourdeg Oy and Salusfin Oy. The European Commission has granted a € 18 million funding for a joint project in 2017-2022. The budget for the Helsinki measures is € 5.6 million. The project also includes the cities of Hamburg and Nantes.
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